IP Address

Below is your IPv4 Address

Your IP Address

IP Address, short for Internet Protocol Address, is a unique identifier assigned to every computer or device connected to a network or the internet. It is essential for enabling communication between devices. The primary purpose of an IP Address is to identify the host or network and its location within the network.

An IP Address consists of four decimal numbers separated by dots, ranging from 0 to 255. This 32-bit number is commonly referred to as IPv4. Devices like computers, routers, and modems use IPv4 for communication. However, due to the rapid growth of internet usage, a new 128-bit addressing system called IPv6 was introduced to accommodate the increasing demand for unique addresses.

The management of IP Addresses is handled globally by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). It delegates IP Address allocation to Regional Internet Registries (RIRs), which further allocate them to local Internet Service Providers (ISPs). Your ISP assigns an IP Address to your device using either the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) or a STATIC lease.

There are two types of IP Addresses: Dynamic and Static. A dynamic IP Address changes periodically, either after a predefined lease time or when your internet connection is reset. In contrast, a static IP Address remains constant unless manually changed by you or your ISP.

With the continuous evolution of internet technologies, understanding IP Addresses is essential for efficient network communication and connectivity.